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Ekibio was founded in 1988 by ethical entrepreneur and son of a farmer, Didier Perréol, with a view to reconciling business ethics, environmental concerns, and economic growth.

His venture started in 1989 with the importation and commercialization of a small seed found in the high plateaus of Bolivia and referred to as the gold of the Incas : quinoa. One mighty little seed that made all the difference…

Nowadays, Ekibio develops, processes, and commercializes nearly 1,000 organic plant-based grocery products.

Ekibio is certified Bio Partenaire (organic partner) and Bio Entreprise Durable (sustainable organic company).




100% organic and plant-based


193 employees

The know-how of expert organic production sites

Ekibio relies on specialized organic manufacturing plants located in in France.


The Peaugres site (07), created in 1988, now employs 168 people. It develops and manufactures dry organic pasta and produces Tomato Quinoa Spaghetti and Turmeric Lemon Tagliatelle for Jardin BiO étic.

The Chasse-sur-Rhône (38) site was created in 2007 and employs 25 people.
It manufactures nutritional and organic grain blends and powders, such as Jardin BiO étic’s Small Spelt and Couscous.

Ekibio has always worked to master the manufacture of its products from field to plate. Beyond the Peaugres or Chasse-sur-Rhône sites, other production units have joined the company’s transformation know-how, through the acquisition of minority stakes.

Ekibio hase chosen to co-invest with producers in the heart of production areas to prevent the desertification of certain regions and the loss of trades. For example in Haute-Provence with the company Bioengrain for einkorn, or in Camargue with the company Bio Camargue for rice, but also in Bolivia with the company Jatariy that it had created in the late 90s.

In 2020, Ekibio sold the majority of the capital of Jatariy company to producers, associating them as closely as possible with the destiny of the company.
Ekibio has also invested in gluten-free products for the processing of its brand Ma Vie Sans Gluten, with a stake in the company Alisa.

Healthful and superior organic products

As a fervent organic advocate since its foundation, Ekibio places its environmental, ethical and societal values at the heart of its activities, without ever deviating from its principles: promoting a healthier life that is human- and earth-friendly.


The products designed and manufactured in Ekibio’s facilities are made with organically farmed ingredients that are rigorously selected for their quality and innocuousness for the environment.
Products are plant-based, reflecting the company’s belief in a balanced diet focused on reduced use of the planet’s resources while remaining nutritious, delicious, and flavorful.

A large part of the ingredients used are grown in France, such as small spelt (from Haute-Provence), rice (from Camargue), wheat and durum wheat, and legumes.

The group has implemented a fair-trade and solidarity-based approach to its supply chains ever since its creation.

A 30-year commitment to the environment and to social advancement

As a pioneer in organic farming, the company’s growth has always been in line with a reduced impact on the environment and biodiversity, thanks to the choice of organic farming and the implementation of CSR principles.

Ekibio’s environmental management system in Peaugres is ISO-14001 certified, based on standards applying to the continuous improvement of environmental performances through the controlled impact of the company’s activity.
Furthermore, the company’s headquarters were awarded the excellence level under ISO 26000 standards.


Ekibio established a corporate foundation in 2008 to:

  • contribute to social advancement;
  • raise awareness through events promoting organic and ecological foods;
  • support nonprofits in the field working on agroecology, organic food, relocalization, biodiversity and food security.

The foundation’s actions focus on a common objective: developing mindfulness about the food we eat.

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