Majority stake in the company Manufacture Bordeaux, creator of the sparkling natural juices brand Unaju

Manufacture Bordeaux
Bio Organica

Majority stake in the companies Bio Organica Italia and Bio Organica Farm, leader of organic antipasti in Italy

Majority stake in Alpes Biscuits, Biosoleil cookie factory

Majority stake in Alpes Biscuits, Biosoleil cookie factory

Creation of F.I.C.U.S Fondaction (Support fund for utopian and solidarity citizen initiatives), shareholder endowment fund


EY Grand Prix for Agribusiness in partnership with the ANIA (Compagnie Léa Nature).

GOLD award in the Food & Bio category of the 2021 Growth Companies Summit organized by Leaders League

Acquisition of Laboratoire Phyto-Actif, a French expert in and manufacturer of organic health and beauty products since 1992, based in Cestas in Gironde.

Acquisition of Laboratoire Phyto-Actif, a French expert in and manufacturer of organic health and beauty products since 1992, based in Cestas in Gironde.
Majority stake in the Jean et Lisette cookie factory

Majority stake in the Jean et Lisette cookie factory


Integration of Famille Mary, a beekeeping company founded in 1921, which develops and commercializes honeys, natural and organic food supplements, gourmet products, organic cosmetics, all made from products of the hive.

Integration of Famille Mary, a beekeeping company founded in 1921, which develops and commercializes honeys, natural and organic food supplements, gourmet products, organic cosmetics, all made from products of the hive.


Minority stake in Soup’Idéale, a soup manufacturer in Feuchy (62)

Minority stake in Soup’Idéale, a soup manufacturer in Feuchy (62)

Minority stake in Sojami, a manufacturer of organic lacto-fermented soy products in Agen (47)

Integration of the Boho Green brand, producing natural and organic makeup in Lyon (69)

Integration of the Boho Green brand, producing natural and organic makeup in Lyon (69)

Integration of Biocop Productos Biologicos in Barcelona, distributor of organic products into the Compagnie Léa Nature group

Integration of Biocop Productos Biologicos in Barcelona, distributor of organic products into the Compagnie Léa Nature group


Charles Kloboukoff (President) and Didier Perréol (Vice-President) of Compagnie Léa Nature receive the Chaptal award from the Agriculture and Food Industries Committee, in recognition of their economic success

Charles Kloboukoff (President) and Didier Perréol (Vice-President) of Compagnie Léa Nature receive the Chaptal award from the Agriculture and Food Industries Committee, in recognition of their economic success

Opening of the Jean et Lisette cookie factory, in Saint-Jean-D’Angély (17), with the participation of regional organic sector stakeholders : the CORAB – a regional cooperative of organic producers ; Bellot Minoteries, an independent mill in Poitou-Charentes for 10 generations ; Biocoop’s Défi-Bio, a network of specialized organic stores and Léa Nature. Construction of a 2,400 square meter production plant during 2017 with a projected start-up in April 2018.

Opening of the Jean et Lisette cookie factory, in Saint-Jean-D’Angély (17), with the participation of regional organic sector stakeholders : the CORAB – a regional cooperative of organic producers ; Bellot Minoteries, an independent mill in Poitou-Charentes for 10 generations ; Biocoop’s Défi-Bio, a network of specialized organic stores and Léa Nature.  Construction of a 2,400 square meter production plant during 2017 with a projected start-up in April 2018.
Natéva, specialized in the extraction of plants and aromas and the manufacture of organic essential oils, joins Compagnie Léa Nature

Natéva, specialized in the extraction of plants and aromas and the manufacture of organic essential oils, joins Compagnie Léa Nature


Majority shareholding alongside the founding family in Spanish company, Biosurya, specialized in organic vegetarian products with a high vegetable protein content.

Majority shareholding alongside the founding family in Spanish company, Biosurya, specialized in organic vegetarian products with a high vegetable protein content.
Hygiena, a traditional family business distributing natural and organic products, joins Compagnie Léa Nature

Hygiena, a traditional family business distributing natural and organic products, joins Compagnie Léa Nature


Construction of a meal packet processing plant in Damazan (47)

Construction of a meal packet processing plant in Damazan (47)


Acquisition of Alpha Nutrition, manufacturer of gluten-free products

Acquisition of Alpha Nutrition, manufacturer of gluten-free products

Acquisition of a majority stake in Ekibio


Vitamont, a French specialist in the processing and bottling of organic juices and beverages, joins Compagnie Léa Nature

Vitamont, a French specialist in the processing and bottling of organic juices and beverages, joins Compagnie Léa Nature

Compagnie Léa Nature acquires a stake in Ekibio

Compagnie Léa Nature acquires a stake in Ekibio


Compagnie Léa Nature welcomes BPC Kambio, a company specializing in fresh organic catering products

Compagnie Léa Nature welcomes BPC Kambio, a company specializing in fresh organic catering products


Creation of Compagnie Biodiversité, which became Compagnie Léa Nature in 2020

Creation of Compagnie Biodiversité, which became Compagnie Léa Nature in 2020


Acquisition of a traditional organic cannery, Bioviver, specialized in processing 100% organically grown fruits and vegetables

Acquisition of a traditional organic cannery, Bioviver, specialized in processing 100% organically grown fruits and vegetables

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