Acting for responsible organic farming

Compagnie Léa Nature is a village of small and medium-sized organic companies from different regions of France that share the same human values and organic ideology.

These independent, family-run companies are committed to the development of quality organic farming that contributes to biodiversity and wildlife conservation. They also support the development of more equitable relations with producers and responsible trade.

This common vision of responsible organic agriculture is reflected in the construction and/or acquisition of human-scale organic production sites located as close as possible to local crops that produce top quality natural and organic products in an earth- and human-friendly way.


In creating Compagnie Léa Nature, Charles Kloboukoff’s vision was to bring together companies with a positive impact and exemplary CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approaches to develop a collective project that would be beneficial both for society and for the environment.

Our reason for being*

Offering healthful and earth-friendly natural and organic products that help people stay in good health while remaining affordable for most, and promoting the local economic development of the food, health, personal and beauty care, and household product sectors.

Additionally, ensuring our independence to guarantee the sustainability of our mission, local facilities, jobs, and development.

* registered in the Léa Nature UES statutes.

Compagnie Léa Nature ambitions: a village of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

  • Becoming key players in the organic sector in France and Europe by manufacturing locally.
  • Maintaining a culture of product innovation.
  • Maximizing how our activities benefit consumer health while minimizing our impact on biodiversity, climate change, water, air and the planet.
  • Ensuring employee well-being.
  • Sharing the benefits of our growth with our employees and various NGOs, namely those working for the environment, social advancement, or charity.

Developing an environmental and biodiversity protection mission

Léa Nature, a legal entity and historical branch of Compagnie Léa Nature founded by Charles Kloboukoff in 1993, was declared as a Company with a Mission in 2019. This means that its reason for being, and mission are written into the company’s statutes.


Léa Nature has always been highly committed to ensuring a positive impact on public health and the planet. Becoming a Company with a Mission is part its continuous and active contribution to the common interest of preserving biodiversity and the planet.

The company’s mission is to offer natural products, most of which are also certified organic, that are produced with renewable natural resources to preserve biodiversity and to help people stay in good health.

Through this decision to become a Company with a Mission, Charles Kloboukoff also hopes to guide the Compagnie Léa Nature enterprises in this approach.


Developing and manufacturing healthful products for consumers

The objective of all Compagnie Léa Nature subsidiaries is to offer healthful products that are good for people.  Our two priorities are to offer healthful products and to preserve ingredient integrity.


integrated laboratories in France dedicated to formulation, innovation, research and development and quality control, in natural and organic foods and health products


integrated laboratories in France for natural and organic cosmetic formulation, innovation, research and development, and quality control


integrated laboratory in France for sensory analysis

  • Food products : our recipes are prepared with natural and organic ingredients, in accordance with our rigorous nutrition charters. The ingredients are sourced from production regions and local supply chains after a thorough selection process based on superior flavor and aroma. Our formulations are guaranteed not to contain any controversial additives. Furthermore, most of our brands are palm oil free.
  • Health products : food supplements are made of 100% natural or mineral ingredients. Our formulation charters exclude all nanoparticles. While capsules are traditionally made of animal gelatin, those used for our Biosens and Biopur products are 100% plant based.
  • Personal and beauty care : Our innovative cosmetic and personal care products combine technical expertise, naturalness, and well-being. Our formulations are composed of natural and organic active ingredients and are guaranteed to be free of paraben, silicone and, as a precaution, any other ingredient that may pose a health hazard, often well before it is legally banned.
  • Household products : our products comply with a rigorous charter that prohibits any substances known to be harmful, such as phosphates, phthalates or paraben in our formulas. All our products are made of natural ingredients and are eco-detergent-certified by ECOCERT.
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