CSR : our General Commitments Pact

Compagnie Léa Nature registered and experimented with the status of Mission Company in the Léa Nature Services articles of incorporation of from 2019 to 2023, and has now chosen to go one step further by deploying its General Commitments Pact.
This General Commitments Pact gives establishes our obligations towards the common good. It is in line with our DNA and our CSR Commitment Plans initiated in 2013.
In this way, each Compagnie Léa Nature company can integrate CSR challenges into its business and at every stage of the product life cycle, from design to end-of-life.
Eventually, this General Commitment Pact will be supported by FICUS Fondaction, which will become the protector of Compagnie Léa Nature’s capital and the guarantor of its values and commitments.

25 commitments divided into 5 pillars

The pact applies to all majority-owned subsidiaries of Compagnie Léa Nature and is based on 5 pillars :
• Ensuring responsible governance
• Offering quality products that respect people’s health
• Preserving natural resources
• Limiting environmental impact
• Developing our participation in civic and social action

At Compagnie Léa Nature’s level, an Ethics Committee will be composed of one referring member per pillar.

Read the Pact (french version)

CSR certifications, assessments, and awards of our companies

  • L'engagement de Compagnie Léa Nature avec le label bio entreprise durable

    Label bioentreprisedurable (sustainable organic company) label

  • L'engagement de Léa Nature avec le label Ecocert 26000

    ISO 26000 certification

  • L'engagement de Léa Nature avec le label PME Entreprises Ethiques

    SME+ label

  • L'engagement de Compagnie Léa Nature avec le label Destination Développement Durable

    Sustainable Development Destination assessment


Supporting organic industry structuration

Compagnie Léa Nature firmly believes it is necessary to support the transition towards earth-friendly agricultural methods and is actively involved developing and structuring the organic industry.

How can this be achieved? By maintaining biodiversity, improving social conditions, and reducing the carbon footprint of our supply chains.
Our Sourcing and Purchasing teams work with producers to build long-term partnerships.

We want to work with our suppliers to maximize our positive impacts on our ecosystems while minimizing any negative impacts of our activities.

Within this framework, a Compagnie Léa Nature Responsible Purchasing Charter has been implemented with the objective of guaranteeing collaborative, sustainable and fair relationships with our partners. Sustainable cooperation with producers actively contributes to the development of the organic sector.

The objective of this charter is to formalize and share our commitments, expectations, and responsibilities with our stakeholders.

A fund dedicated to structuring the organic sector

With a view to participating actively in the development of organic agricultural sectors in France and around the world, Compagnie Léa Nature has created a voluntary fund dedicated to this objective (up to 5% of the net income of its subsidiaries).

This fund allows Compagnie Léa Nature to support producers and cooperatives with projects to convert to, develop or maintain organic farming.

For instance, Compagnie Léa Nature has set up a 15-year partnership with a cooperative of apple growers who cultivate 20 hectares of organic apple orchards in the south of France. Thanks to this dedicated fund, Compagnie Léa Nature has helped finance the installation of an irrigation system for young plants.


How does Compagnie Léa Nature support producers and cooperatives?

  • help searching for organic farmland;
  • joint trials or experiments with producers;
  • advance payments on crops to reduce producers’ debt;
  • technical support;
  • multi-year contracts offering guaranteed outcomes;
  • multi-stakeholder agreements to structure the entire supply chain;
  • financial participation to strengthen the industrial network.

Working towards the development of fair trade

Fair trade is privileged for exotic ingredients, such as green tea and rooibos (fair trade certified by FLOCERT), cocoa, sugar and vanilla (Fair For Life certified by ECOCERT).

We have an identical approach to cosmetic ingredients obtained from endemic plants: castor, argan, aloe vera, shea, lemongrass, geranium, lemongrass, palmarosa, eucalyptus, orange, etc.

We are also working on developing North-North fair trade.
For our Jardin BiO étic food brand, all legumes used in our products are labeled Agri-Éthique France.


Acting for biodiversity and climate


Climate Commitment

Compagnie Léa Nature has committed to performing a complete carbon assessment triennially for each of its sites in France.

The latest carbon assessment was carried out in 2017 for eleven Compagnie Léa Nature sites.
This assessment shows that, despite the growth in the group’s activities, our greenhouse gas emissions per ton of products sold, have remained stable over 5 years.

Following each carbon assessment, a carbon action plan is set up at each site to maintain or reduce greenhouse gas emissions by decreasing the amount of packaging, recycling food waste, optimizing logistics flows, etc.

Protecting biodiversity

Compagnie Léa Nature headquarters have been labeled as an LPO Refuge since 2011.

Each Compagnie Léa Nature site is encouraged to obtain this label through the promotion of its own policy in favor of biodiversity conservation and development.

As a result, six sites have already received this label.

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